Evidence based frameworks for improving quality of residential support

Dr Tony Levitan

At the Feeling at Home webinar on the 2nd November 2023, research team member Dr Tony Levitan gave an overview of Evidence-based frameworks for improving quality of residential support.


Common features are of importance to researchers and stakeholders in residential support

  • Structure and culture of the organisation
  • Staff turnover
  • Leadership
  • Environment

Suggests a need to target multiple levels of contexts.
Whole systems approaches have only more recently been trailed. e.g. whole systems approaches and regional approaches have been developed (McGill et al, 2018; McKenzie et al 2021).
However, much of the literature focuses on reducing challenging behaviour or implementing active support. less evidence relating to other important areas e.g. relationships, health, self determination.
A narrow view of quality?
Noticeable that outcomes rarely included the subjective experience of people with intellectual disabilities.

And watch a video of his presentation on our Feeling at Home YouTube channel.

Feeling at Home Source: Evidence based frameworks for improving quality of residential support, Dr Tony Levitan • Feeling at Home

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